Right between the Menil Collection and the Rothko Chapel is Menil Park. It's a nice green park filled with giant old oak trees and one red swing.
This is the park to go to if you are looking to relax and have a picnic. (You used to be able to climb the trees and the sculpture, but security has been putting a stop to that recently!)
My kids love this park. We often go to ride bikes around the Menil Collection, run through the grass, swing on the one red swing, climb trees and enjoy the Bygones Sculpture.
On nice afternoons and on weekends, this park is filled with people. Students, young adults and families are all enjoying this green space in the city. St. Thomas University is just a block away and the Rothko Chapel and Menil are next door. Also, a bunch of gray Menil-owned bungalows surround the park. Beyond this, the area is residential.
There are a lot of runners and walkers passing through and enough traffic to make it feel safe. Also, security guards from the Menil Collection make rounds in vehicles.
The Menil Park does not have a restroom but you can find one at the Menil Collection (Wednesday through Sunday). The Menil Collection always has free admission and is open to all.
I recommend you check out this park and walk around the whole neighborhood.
Update: The Menil has since added a big green space by the Drawing Institute and a rock garden (for lack of a better word). Check out the pictures below!
Menil Park:
Address: 1533 Sul Ross Street, Houston, Texas 77006
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