How do you find your City of Houston recycling schedule? How about the Houston trash schedule? And heavy trash day? Find your Houston trash pickup schedule:

This website is NOT a city website and is meant to help Houstonians but it is NOT the official resource.
That said, if you are having trouble finding your Houston recycling schedule and trash days, leave a comment and I can try to help. If you want the official answer on the trash day and heavy trash day, call 311.
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Which days are City of Houston holidays?
Go HERE to find the latest list.
What is your City of Houston Recycling Schedule, Houston Trash Schedule and Heavy Trash Day?
There is a new website/map HERE to find your Houston trash pickup schedule. To use it...
- Go HERE and type in your address.
- One the right side of the map, you can click on "Trash", "Recycle" or "Heavy Trash".
- The website will show your next pick up day and any shifts for holidays.
What is your heavy trash, junk waste, tree waste day?
Residents may dispose of their Tree Waste and Junk Waste at their curbside.
Tree Waste is collected during ODD numbered months and Junk Waste is collected during EVEN numbered months.
Tree Waste is defined as “clean” wood waste such as tree limbs, branches, and stumps.
Lumber, furniture and treated wood are NOT accepted.
Junk Waste is defined as items such as furniture, appliances and other bulky material.
Tree Waste is accepted during Junk Waste Months, but if you want to be sure it is recycled, it should be saved for the tree waste month. (Or you can drive it to one of six Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers.
All the restrictions and the details on where to place the trash can be found HERE.
Did the garbage truck miss your block or your house? Did they leave a huge mess?
Call 311 and they can send a truck back to your street.
Are you looking for more Houston resources for schools, doctors, camps and more? If so, go HERE!
Marcia Sterling says
I'd like to be able to print out a "Tree waste/Junk waste" calendar for my zip code.
Jill says
It looks like Tree and Junk pick up dates alternate by month. You can find more HERE. To check the details for you zip code, go HERE and look under "Maps of Solid Waste Management Dept. Services by Zip Code".
Tracie Hammelman says
I live at 5009 N. Main Street, Houston, TX 77009 and cannot find when where the Heavy Trash Removal Calendar is.
Helen lane says
I live at 858 ramada dr. Although Nov is tree waste, what is the actual day that they will pick up tree wast? Please give me a day of the month and time the tree waste needs to be out.
Fred says
I have looked at 4 sites , just trying to find out what the dates are for picking up heavy trash, and please do not send me to another site. None, I repeat, NONE of these sites have a schedule with specific dates when the heavy trash will be picked up. Quit wasting money on all the city sites and just list it.
Jill Jarvis says
Fred -
Thank you for the comment. This website is and not An angry comment here about trash days is a lot like me commenting on your website about how mad I am that my PC crashed.
If you are looking for help on finding your heavy trash day, I can help you as a good neighbor. If you want the official answer, call 311.
As for November 2015, Tree Waste is collected during ODD numbered months and Junk Waste is collected during EVEN numbered months. Tree Waste months are January, March, May, July, September, and November. Junk Waste months are February, April, June, August, October and December.
So, your next day for junk waste is December.
The week they are collected during that month depends on your zip code. This is where the search gets a little tricky.
Go to the "My City Houston Map Viewer":
Accept and use the Application
Select the thumb tack on the right side of the screen
Type in your address and submit
Press "Solid Waste Schedules" button to view the schedule date. It will say something like "1st Wednesday"... which is the 1st Wednesday during a Junk Waste month.
Barbara Keener says
Contacted 311 line for date scheduled for junk pick-up. Date given was Wednesday, April 5th. No pick-up ran to remove heavy trash items left at curb (mattresses and furniture). Several calls were made to 311 office to report non pick-up. The address is a main artery into the city's major economic resources such as The Medical Center, The Museum District and 2 miles from the downtown business district. The pile of junk on Richmond Avenue is unsightly and disgraceful to the high end property owners enroute to their homes and businesses.
Neglect by the city's Waste Management department is a gross disrespect of citizens
Tax dollars for city services.
Wayne Tyler says
No comment , service is good. How do I find out if I am schedule A or B in 77336 area?
Jill Jarvis says
Are you looking for recycling day? It looks like it is Tuesday-A. (Look here: )
Katie Stockham says
I just moved to 16906 Canary st 77385. I tried your interactive map and got no results. How do I find my trash service?
Jill Jarvis says
Katie - It looks like you are outside the city of Houston. Is that the case? If so, ask your neighbors who provides the trash service.
Carolyn hausey says
Recycle can at my address had not been picked up for several weeks. I have seen other green cans emptied in my neighborhood…on the next street or even next block from my address but mine keeps getting skipped. Why is this?
Jill Jarvis says
Try calling 311. Thanks!